Selected as a member of the USA Triathlon National Women's Race Series, The Woman of Steel is one you don't wanna miss! Choose from the triathlon, duathlon, aquabike, or 5k run. Plus, pancake breakfast!
Sponsored by Triathletes of Utah
This is the perfect race for all skill levels!
Choose either the Triathlon (300 meter swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile run) or the Aquabike (300 meter swim & 12 mile bike)
Scenic 3.1 mile loop along streets of American Fork, with a fun downhill last mile!
RACE DAY - Saturday May 24, 2025
American Fork Recreation Center
454 N Center Street, American Fork, Utah
Swim: 300 meter pool swim
Bike: 12.5 miles
Run: 5k loop
Bike: 12.5 miles (time trial start)
Run: 5k loop
Swim: 300 meter pool swim
Bike: 12.5 miles
5k Run
THERE IS NO PACKET PICKUP ON RACE MORNING. See Packet Pickup Section for dates and locations for Packet Pickup, and plan on picking up your packet before race day!
PARKING: Please Park in the parking lot Southeast of the Recreation Center. (See venue map under the "Important Race Details" section.
6am: Transition Opens & Timing chip pickup
(no body marking for this event)
7:40am: Transition area closes
7:45am: National Anthem & USA Triathlon official pre-race meeting at the race start area (pool deck)
POST RACE (approx 9:45/10am):
Awards, Pancake Breakfast, Giveaways, and expo!
10:30am: Race Cutoff / Course Closes
WEDNESDAY May 21st th - 3pm-7pm
Location TBD
THURSDAY May 22nd, 4pm-6:30pm
Location TBD
FRIDAY May 23rd, 5:30-7:30pm
American Fork Rec Center
454 N Center Street, American Fork, UT
**THERE IS NO PACKET PICKUP ON RACE MORNING. See Packet Pickup Section for dates and locations for Packet Pickup, and plan on picking up your packet before race day!
*Race Briefing at 7:30pm at American Fork Rec Center Friday evening for anyone interested in an introductory tutorial what to expect on race day.
PLEASE remember that USA Triathlon REQUIRES that you must show photo ID at packet pickup. You may now have someone else pick up your packet for you, IF they have a copy (print, photo) of your valid picture ID.
Included in your registration is:
-USA Triathlon sanctioned course
-Safety motorcycle support
-Cool awards for 1st - 3rd in each age division.
- Sweet Souvenir Workout Towel
- Fabulous Running Visor
- Pancake Breakfast for you AND your family/friends.
THE SWIM - 300 meters
There will be overhead signs displaying approximate swim times per 100 yards. (1:00-1:15, 1:30-1:45 etc.) Please self seed yourself according to your estimated swim time.
Swimmers will start approximately every 3-5 seconds and if done correctly, the fastest swimmers will go first and the slower ones last.
Participants will start on one end of the pool and swim in a serpentine pattern. You will swim the length of the pool in lane one, duck under the lane lines and swim the length in lane two, repeat this until all 6 lanes are complete.
If participating friends wish to line up next to each other for the start of the race, please line up according to the slower swimmers 300 meter time.
THE BIKE - 12 miles
The bike course consists of 2 loops along the beautiful roads of American Fork and Highland cities.
Exit the transition area from the NW gate of the ball field located north of the American Fork Fitness Center (AFFC). Mount on your bike on the road at the “Bike mount sign”. Head North on Center Street and hang a left on 600 North. Use caution and SLOW down on the hill to make a right on to 100 West. Hang a right on 10400 North in Highland (there’s an LDS chapel on the SE corner.) Then hang another right on Alpine Hwy at 10400 N. Stay on Alpine Hwy until you get to the right hand turn on 400 North then make a quick right on to Center Street. From here you will connect back onto the course to start your 2nd loop.
In order to keep this great event coming back, please adhere to the following rules.
Participants will NOT be allowed to ride two or three abreast. This is in conjunction with City laws, not to mention you may be disqualified by USA Triathlon officials for doing so. Participants may pass by following USA Triathlon bike rules. To view the USA Triathlon rule book, visit
Local police officers will be posted at all major intersections to direct traffic. If a police officer motions for you to stop or slow down, please do so as it is for your safety and important for the longevity of this event.
Please review the map and familiarize yourself with the course. However, please also be aware that, although we don’t anticipate a change, the course may change without prior notice. If any changes occur they will be announced during the pre-race meeting on the morning of the event.
NOTE: There will be an aid station as you exit the transition area, but not on the actual bike course, so please be sure you have 1-2 water bottles before racing off on your bike.
IF you are racing the aquabike, your finish-line is when you cross the timing mat at the entrance of the transition area.
THE RUN - 5k(3.1 miles)
The Women Of Steel run course consists of a single 5k loop course utilizing paved city streets.
Once you rack your bike, exit the transition area from the NW gate of the ball field located north of the American Fork Fitness Center (AFFC).
There will be an aid station as you exit the transition area.
Head north on Center Street and make a left on 600 N and a right on 100 west. Turn right on 1340 north and then hang another right on Alpine Hwy. Continue to run down Alpine Hwy and make a right on 600 north. Enter the Filly and Pony park from the NE corner and sprint/walk/crawl or backflip to the finish line!
There will be a total of 3 aid stations, One will be located at the exit of the transition area, the others be at mile 1 and 2.
THE 5k RUNNING RACE COURSE is the same as the triathlon course.
VIEW Google Maps on the link below OR view PDF maps by scrolling down to the "course map" section.
Medical personnel will provide on-site first aid and medical assistance if needed. They will be located at the start and near the finish line. Certified Lifeguards are provided by American Fork Recreation and will be on deck at the pool.
Let’s get real- We don’t know what we’d do without the fun loving people that come out and give their time to support events. PLEASE show them the utmost respect and freely pass out “Thank you’s” and high 5’s! Know someone that wants to volunteer? Reach out to for more info!
Please park in designated parking lot areas. Do NOT park on the side of the road West of the recreation center.
Volunteers will be at the venue on race morning to place your number on your left arm. If you have your own race number tattoos, that's fine, too!:)
In your race packet, you will receive the following:
1) Race Bib: to be placed on the front of your body during the run.
2) Bike Sticker: This sticker must be attached attach to the seat post of your bike.
3) Helmet Stickers: There are three helmet stickers. One for the front of your helmet, the other two for each side of your helmet.
4) "I'm Supporting" Sticker: This should be given to a companion or friend. This allows for them to retrieve your gear AFTER the event in the transition area if you are unable to.
5) Bag Sticker: Is to be affixed to your gear bag for easy identification.
6) Swim Cap- this cap is required for the swim portion of the race and should not be altered or modified. If you are racing the 5k or duathlon, you will not receive a swim cap.
**Failure to securely attach the provided bib, bike and helmet sticker numbers will result in a USAT time penalty.
**You DO NOT need to wear the bib number during the swim or bike. However, it MUST be worn during the run. Safety pins will be provided at packet pickup.
You must attach the bike number provided in your race packet to your bike. The bike numbers have adhesive on the back that will not harm the paint on your bike frame. Failure to securely attach the number will result in a USAT time penalty.
You DO NOT need to wear the bib number during the swim or bike. However, it MUST be worn during the run facing forward. Safety pins will be provided at packet pickup.
Relay teams will be issued a single timing chip, bike number, and run bib number. The chip hand-off takes place inside the transition area at the assigned bike rack. You must attach the bike number provided in your race packet to your bike. It has an adhesive backing that will not cause damage to your bike frame. Failure to secure the bike number will result in a USAT time penalty.
You will have an assigned spot for you to rack your bike. Bike racks are numbered and correspond with your race number. Rack your bike where your number is.
Rack your bike by placing the nose of your seat on the bike rack so your front tire is sticking out toward you. Please remember, your neighbor needs room too, so please only bring what is needed into the transition area. Place your gear to the left of your bike.
Remember, there is no bike riding inside the transition area before or during the event. Walk your bike in and out of transition. Doing so will result in a time penalty enforced by the USA Triathlon officials.
ALSO please help us by letting your family and friends know that they must wait outside the transition area. Thanks for helping us with this!
Litter could jeopardize the life of this and any other event. In addition to littering not being cool, USA Triathlon officials may give you a time penalty for littering on the race course.
There are aid stations located at every mile on the run course. There are no aid stations on the bike course
All participants will be timed and will be provided with their swim, bike and run splits, as well as their overall finish time. You will receive your race timing chip and instructions on race morning near the Transition area.
Preliminary results will be posted on our timers website. Official results will be posted on the TriUtah results page the day after the race.
Awards will be provided for the following categories:
For general questions regarding USAT insurance, rules, regulations and membership click on the following link:
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